The paid databases have different allowances for summer access depending on the database and your summer employment.
Every student with a registered Lexis Advance ID will automatically has summer access and can use Lexis Advance for educational and commercial purposes.
L&C Law students may use Westlaw during the summer, as long as it relates to one or more of the following:
Summer coursework
Research assistant assignments
Law review or journal research
Moot court research
Non-profit work
Clinical work
Externship sponsored by L&C
Note: Passwords may NOT be used for your work for law firms, government agencies, corporations, or other purposes unrelated to law school coursework.
Students have full access to Bloomberg Law during the summer with no restrictions on use.
Also, don't forget about our other databases, like Heinonline and ProQuest, that are available year round.
Answered By: Meredith Kostek
Last Updated: Jul 15, 2021 Views: 82