
Where can I find historical state statutes?


If you are looking for a historical statutory code, the HeinOnline database State Statutes: A Historical Archive is a good starting point. LLMC Digital also has a strong collection of historical state statutes. Westlaw and Lexis also archive unofficial state codes, typically from the 1980s or 1990s to present.

If you are looking for session laws, try HeinOnline’s Session Laws Library. See Bluebook Rule 12.2.2 for instances where it is appropriate to cite session laws over statutory codes.

If none of the above work, try Googling a legislative history research guide discussing your state of interest. For example, our Oregon Legislative History Research Guide lists some other resources for finding historical Oregon statutes.

Answered By: Kian Pakdel
Last Updated: Aug 31, 2021     Views: 15

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